As Saiichi’s manager, I am greatly looking forward to his band appearing at the Great British Rock & Blues Festival at Skegness on 19th January at 4pm. If you’re there, soaking up the music, make sure you see Saiichi and his band.
If you are going, I hope that, as the famous old advert went, you find Skegness ‘bracing’.
Certainly there is a lot of often thrilling live music on offer, over four days with the ability to stay at the resort and to go from stage to stage. When I last went, as a music writer, I did a lot of going from stage to stage. I remember my highlights musically as being Robbie McIntosh’s band and The Blues Band, whose dressing room sign I picked up (with Butlin’s agreement) as a souvenir…. I also remember on another occasion regrettably missing Mud Morganfield’s slot, as he had a very late start and I had a choice of either driving home (to Kent) the next day dangerously tired or getting a good nights sleep. In a betrayal of the Rock ‘n’ Roll tradition, I chose sleep. I have seen Mud, Muddy Waters eldest son, since and he is indeed a chip off the old block and very talented in his own right.
Away from the music, the Festival also gave me a memorable 3.45am bedtime, after an extended drinking session with the daughter of the owner of a music publication, when I wasn’t driving the next day. This isn’t something I almost ever do, but I mention it in a bid to restore my Rock ‘n’ Roll credentials. Being resident in a resort offers more than the usual freedom to do such things. So, as a musical event, and as an occasion to let your hair down, I recommend it. Not that I need to. This festival is definitely a musical mecca, with people crossing the UK to attend the festival. Saiichi will have a widely-drawn audience to be enjoyed by.
Happy New Year.
Saiichi Sugiyama Management
January 2018